Oven Ready Science
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With a pinch of science, a dash of inspiration and a dollop of fun, we have all the ingredients for cool kitchen chemistry at the Museum of Oxford!
Join Science Oxford in this tasty, family-friendly workshop and explore what makes bread rise or beer bubbly, and who can make yeast grow the fastest in our own mini ‘Bake Off’.
Discover colour-changing red cabbage chemistry using acids and alkalis; or, find out why cakes rise while making a fizzy mess!
Test and make predictions for our Egg-cellent experiments, or create crazy flour mixtures and make ‘Oobleck’ Slime to take home. On your marks, Get ready… Bake!
10.30am - 12pm, or 1.30-3pm at the Museum of Oxford
£10 (includes one child plus adult)
Ages 5-9
While this workshop does not involve any tasting, many food products are used. If you or your child has any severe food allergies, please get in touch to check suitability with Charlotte Drohan, Museum Learning Assistant.
Due to strict event capacity, we can only offer free admittance to one adult per paying child. Capacity for additional adults will be dependent on the day.
More information and ticket booking at Museum of Oxford.