Oxford Rocks



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Science Oxford's free after school club for young people aged 11-14 runs on Tuesdays during term time for 10 weeks.

Learn new arts and tech skills, make friends and have fun! Arti-Techs also have the option to work towards both Arts Award and CREST Award certificates. Code, craft and create – work on cool projects and designs including creative coding and micro:bits, computer-aided design; soldering and circuits, woodworking, filmmaking with our green screen; stop motion animation and much more.

Registration of interest is currently open for our future terms.

To join the waiting list, please complete the form and Science Oxford will be in touch between terms to let you know if there is space available: surveymonkey.com/r/artitechs

To give participants time to attend after school: arrival is from 3.30pm with maker activities available and guided activities will start at 4pm.

Find out more here!


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